Advent Day 20: Letterkenny

There are 5000 people in Letterkenny.

These are their problems.

Letterkenny is simply the best comedy perhaps ever. It doesn’t even matter that it has the extra bonus of being Canadian, although that definitely adds to some of the humor because they love taking the piss out of Americans.

The dialogue is superb. It’s so quick and precise and brutal. We’ve watched all the episodes on Hulu twice and still find ourselves catching things we missed first time around.

Funny thing is that I’m not the big comedy fan in the house. In fact, I’ve long had an aversion to comedies. It’s the rare comedy that hooks me as a die-hard fan.

Yet since 2016, I’ve needed comedies in my life.

And thank God there’s some top shelf stuff out there to enjoy. Hulu better get seasons 3-6 soon. Figure it out.


Advent Day 21: Black Mirror

Advent Day 22: The Oddling Prince

Advent Day 23: The Americans

Advent Day 24: Fight Fascism

Advent Day 25: Bodyguard

Advent Day 26: Baskets

Advent Day 27: Literature